Authentication Certificate № 324
Date: 30.07.2023
We reviewed the photos you sent and came to the conclusion that the Louis Vuitton bag with the number SR3170 is not the original ❌

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Bagaholic is an independent authentication service that provides opinions on the authenticity of Louis Vuitton/Gucci/Dior bags and is not affiliated, sponsored or certified by Louis Vuitton or Gucci. The opinion expressed by Bagaholic is our personal opinion and is based on our knowledge of Louis Vuitton/Gucci/Dior, we have been collecting, buying and studying them for more than 10 years. Bagaholic experts make every effort to ensure that our opinion is accurate. Please note that the accuracy of the conclusion for the new Louis Vuitton bag with a microchip is 98%. The Clients agree to release each of the Bagaholic employees from any liability and protection, indemnification and protection of each Bagaholic employee from their loss, damages or claims arising from any opinions of any of the employees in relation to Louis Vuitton / Gucci / Dior items.